Ever since the half-marathon, I’ve been...well...not a whole lot different than before the half-marathon, come to think of it. I keep telling myself that I’m training for a full marathon, but I can’t shake the nagging feeling that my aerobic capacity is suffering, as my mileage can’t quite keep pace with my verbiage.
So tonight I decided to bake. It was going to be banana bread, but then I decided to get creative. I added some raspberries and then some precious, imported chocolate and peanut butter morsels. As I write, the following mix has been in the oven for approximately twenty minutes, and the smoke alarm has only gone off once, remotely reminiscent of a previous baking incident:

- 1¼ cups sugar
- ½ cup butter or margarine, softened
- 2 eggs
- 1½ cups mashed ripe bananas (3 medium)
- 15-20 raspberries
- ½ cup milk, freshly curdled with lemon juice
- 1ish tsp vanilla extract
- 2½ cups flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 cup chocolate and peanut butter chips (hold the salmonella)
I don’t know...maybe too much thinking about peanut butter and jelly got to me. Maybe I saw previously that bread, bananas, peanut butter and chocolate chips can go well together.

If it’s any good, I think I’ll name it Earthquake Bread.
I'm just saying, it may be time to change the nature of your posts.
After this last one, your Blogger Ad reads: "Gay-Friendly Autos - Does your ride reflect your Pride? Is yoour car out of the closet."
Maybe some sports posts, toot sweet.
That’s inexplicable. When have I blogged about cars?
I don't know what you are looking at Abdul, perhaps it is a formula not only from the blog, but also the IP address of the reader... mine shows ads about Tsunamis and Disaster Aid... no gaiety here.
(Jeanine- blog ads will rotate about every half hour, depending on the content of the particular blog, minus any urls blocked by the blog owner. Therefore the ad that I saw wouldn't necessarily be up by the time you viewed it, and if Dirh blocks it, you'll never see it again. Or if he ads in more posts on sports...)
Would anyone care to comment on the bread? A few of you in Blogland actually sampled it.
Cyndi says doesn't think it's fair to hold our comments hostage for the sake of the bread.
However, Melissa says the bread was "yummy."
Ok -Stacy and I agree that earthquake bread rocks!
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