Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nothing in Return

The sheep-throwing incident came after a challenging message. The topic was “agapē” love. I had hoped to post the video, but unfortunately technical difficulties got in the way. The message below, from the following week, addressed the same points, so enjoy this video instead.

I knew the original language of the Bible used a handful of words for “love.” I had not, however, thought about “agapē” in terms of being “all give, no take.” Whereas other words for love mean “give and take,” or even “take as much as possible,” our job is to love people with the “no strings attached” kind of love. Turns out, this kind of love was so revolutionary, writers of the New Testament coined a term (agapē) for it.

The speaker challenged us to look for opportunities to give to people who lacked the capacity to pay us back – who couldn’t give us anything in return. That put “agapē” into perspective. That’s what Jesus did.

The opening of the video had a little quiz on quotes about love. I thought it was fun.

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