Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sugar Strikes

Today was supposed to be a nation-wide labor strike. In some parts of the country, schools were closed. Not here. I had to work.

I threatened to stage my own strike: I would refuse to work until someone brought me chocolate cake. Fortunately, my colleagues took me seriously. Unfortunately, the cake arrived early in the workday, and I wasn’t able to sit on my hands until lunchtime, as planned.

Extra Sugar in CokeHowever, just prior to lunchtime, a most pleasant development occurred. Some friends decided to turn the human resources office, where I borrow office space, into a Kwik-E-Mart. In came a slush machine. In came ten liters of Coca-Cola. In came a sack of sugar, from which approximately five cups of sugar were taken and added into the blend of icy goodness.

We had three sizes of cups available in the office: communion cup size, small size and large size. As people wandered into the office looking to partake, I reminded them that we only had ten liters and, “Once it’s gone, it’s gone.”

I was buzzing with a sugar high for most of the afternoon.

Plan B-Day


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, you rogue. The day is yours!

Jed Carosaari said...

Wow. What was the strike about? Did anyone from where you work join the picket lines?

Unknown said...

What fun!

Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

"Communion cup size."


That is all.

SP said...

Wow. I didn't know they sold ten liters of Coke. I only knew of one liters and two liters.

drh said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, one and all – especially from you, Sean, you brigand.