Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Totally Eclipsed

Three hundred ninety years ago, to the day, Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock on the Mayflower. Eighteen years later, a total lunar eclipse and the winter solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) took place on the same night – two events that did not coincide again until last night. Unfortunately, this time the total lunar eclipse and winter solstice also coincided with a wintry storm, so the eclipse was totally eclipsed by clouds.

That was a bummer. I initially wanted to capture an entire sequence of photos, like I did during an earlier lunar eclipse. Well after midnight, I went to bed, knowing I would miss the initial phases of the eclipse, but hoping that the clouds would clear during the total eclipse phase. I set my alarm for twenty past three in the morning, hoping to capture a reddish version of this photo. Instead, I went outside, failed even to locate the moon, then played fetch with the cat before going back to bed.

Not exactly related, but interesting: The day that pancakes cancelled school.

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