Wednesday, December 15, 2010

She got eight. Yes she did.

I typically eschew occupying this space with deeply personal news, especially when the dozens of people who visit each year expect:
  1. pretentiously big words;
  2. lame attempts at humor;
  3. timely news alerts about freezing iguanas falling out of trees; and
  4. odd photos of me with such things as the Oscar-Mayer Wienermobile, the Chick-fil-A® Cow or a whisk-wielding bear.
I also shy away from embedding videos in this space. But my family recently had a close call (click here for photos), and the following video provided a bit of levity after the emergency room adventures were over.

And, in case you’re wondering, “eschew” is not a big word for the sound you make when you sneeze.

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