Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Fun Facts

  1. Santa prefers snickerdoodles and milk at houses where he delivers Etch A Sketches®.
  2. As contestants are eliminated from the Christmas Eve Spelling Bee, angles get their wings.
  3. Last year’s Midnight Ride was delayed five minutes, due to reindeer getting caught up in the finale of “So You Think You Can Prance?”
  4. After reading some of the above fun facts, my brother told me he had turned off his brain for the remainder of the year. Yet what is he doing at this very moment? He’s reading a user’s manual for a snowblower.
  5. I thought #3 was lame, too.


SP said...

NO! #3 is NOT lame. It's my favorite! (Wish I had need for a snowblower.)

Live In Contrast said...

In my defense, things like instructions and angles make sense to us engineers.

Also, (re: #3) there is a reindeer named "Dancer" but perhaps that is too subtle.

drh said...

If you had two reindeer named Prancer and Flippy, which one would you think liked to prance most? I’d say Prancer, wouldn’t you? You’d be wrong, though. It’s Flippy.