Wednesday, July 08, 2009

On Holding a Grudge

Dear Karin,

Sigh. Seems like we’ve been through this sort of thing before. I’ve written you open letters before, as well. I noticed that in your revamped blog, your link to my site bemoans the time when I deleted your blog; it reads, “one time he deleted me and i still hold a grudge.” I presume you’re referring to my deleting a link from my site to yours. I would like to point out two things here.

First, I noticed your revamped blog. You should be flattered.

Second, I spent a few minutes trying to remember when I deleted your blog. I couldn’t remember when that was. Then I remembered why I couldn’t remember: It was because it never happened. While it’s true that I relocated the link to your blog, such that you had difficulty finding it, it simply isn’t true that I deleted it. So there.

The thing I love about this little faux feud is that it lends itself to a modern-day parable. See, when we hold grudges, we distort the truth. Moreover, we allow yesterday’s offenses to dampen our today.

Perhaps I should also point out that I’ve included one and a half links to your blog in the space above. See, if I have cheated anyone out of anything, I will give back at least one and a half times the amount.

Oh, and thanks for faithfully maintaining a link to my site on yours. You’re the best.

The Begrudged

PS – Thanks for your prompt and thoughtful response.

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