Sunday, October 19, 2008

I’m sorry, Mrs. Reagan.

Last Wednesday, I had two separate conversations regarding people who did not, ahem, say no to crack. In each instance, I reminded the people involved that Nancy Reagan wanted them just to say no. I even had another bizarre dream, this time involving a plumber-like image that I’d just as soon have erased from my memory. Oddly enough, when I awoke and checked the headlines on Thursday morning, I discovered that Joe the Plumber had won the American presidential debate, and Nancy Reagan had fractured her pelvis. Were it not for my conversations earlier in the day, I might have thought I’d had a prophetic dream. It was eerie.

I know this sounds like a fantastic story, but this time it’s true. I hope Mrs. Reagan recovers quickly.

1 comment:

Jed Carosaari said...

I thought the plumbers were involved with Nixon, but oh well...