Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tallness Mentor

Earlier in the year, some of us attended a seminar on mentoring. We learned that everyone needs mentors, people who have special skills that protégées can only learn as a mentor intentionally shares his or her expertise.

Upon attending the seminar, it occurred to me that one of my friends lacked an attribute that I could train her to attain and appreciate: tallness. In the altruistic spirit of mentorship, I have taken her under my proverbial wing.

Happy Milk

My friend did not like the original version of the “HAPPY MILK” photo above and made me promise not to use it in the space you see here. Through the magic of digital imaging, I borrowed footage from elsewhere and turned it into a mentoring opportunity.

As you can see below, I put my protégé on a pedestal.


1 comment:

SP said...

Great idea! Where was the view?