Friday, October 13, 2006


The miracle of modern technology is that, in today’s world, if you do something dumb, the entire world can know about it within minutes.

Take, for example, the hapless campaign volunteer who telephoned my friend to garner electoral support for a Wisconsin congressman who is running for governor. Ann, the campaign worker who obviously takes her job very seriously, had an unfortunate telephone receiver malfunction and inadvertently stayed on the line a little longer than perhaps she had planned.

Little did she know that the people whom she called were not only nutty, but also technologically savvy, resulting in their posting both an audio clip and a transcript of the entire phone call here.

Thanks for drawing our attention to this, Ben!


Anonymous said...

That brings back memories.

Anonymous said...

your friends should send that directly to Mark Green she shouldn't be fired but she should at least be more careful - how does one fire volunteers anyway?

Ben said...

Thanks for the publicity! :)

Apparently, one of my co-workers sent it to Mark Green's office, though I have no confirmation of that.

Things I find suprising:
1) Jenelle and I have no kids. The two of us were singing the greeting. I have no idea where she got "three".
2) Ann was quite serious in her declaration that "the phone isn't a toy" as she was pushing random buttons. Sounds like she needs more practice.

Have a pleasant day!

SP said...

Ummm...should I listen to this?

drh said...

Yes, you should listen.