Monday, July 31, 2006

Odds and Ends

Here’s a picture I took through the window of our moving motor home, in the vicinity of Exit 178 on Interstate 90 in Minnesota:

We stopped neither for the picture nor for the museum. Also, I do not regularly eat SPAM.

By the way, our motor home was moving, and I didn’t have to crop the picture. Are you as impressed as I am? I knew you would be.

Here are some links to peruse at your leisure:

Keep those comments coming!

Finally…To whom it may concern: If Vacation Bible School threatens to sabotage your wedding reception by announcing plans to hijack your venue a week before the big day, consider these fun-filled ways to capitalize on the situation:

  1. Music for first dance: Choral singing of “Deep and Wide”.
  2. Instead of birdseed, throw animal crackers as bride and groom dash to getaway vehicle.
  3. Wedding party, 400 VBS kids and this video…the possibilities are astounding.
  4. Today’s lesson: Save the best apple juice for last!


SP said...

Great posts! Looks like you're having a blast!

The Clown said...

Hmmmm... interesting options. Smile.

Jed Carosaari said...

So, on that video...

Oh my.

E.T. said...

The article about St.Elmo is interesting. Since it's occurance, however, is not mentioned in my big Bible and I have no other articles to back it up with, I am extremely doubtful of it's validity.