Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fast Food

A friend of mine has been fasting for an extended period of time. Yesterday afternoon I noticed a jug of yellowish liquid on our kitchen counter. I inquired about the composition of its contents.

They were as follows:

1 gallon water
1½ cups lemon juice
½ cup maple syrup
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

This afternoon, I imbibed some of it. The bottled lemon-maple-cayenne infusion embarked upon a guided tour of our apartment’s plumbing shortly thereafter.

My friend is no longer fasting.


ST said...

ok,i'm not following this one. youre a bit too clever for me. so does this stuff make you vomit or give you the runs? what does it have to do with your fasting friend? why would someone fasting be drinking something that makes you do either? maybe my weakness from my recent sickness has rendered me thoughtless to understand the connection.

drh said...

Truth be told, there really isn’t a connection.

To the best of my knowledge, the concoction caused neither of the bodily functions you mentioned – neither my friend nor I experienced either of them.

Ah…ambiguity…the frustration of wanting to connect the dots, without having adequate information to do so. It seems like there should be a connection, but must there be?

My friend felt that the time to end his fast had come, and he poured the remaining mixture down the sink.

Would you voluntarily drink that stuff…I mean, other than just to try it?