Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dee One Four

The Christian subculture uses some nutty lingo.

Today is the thirty-first day of the month, which means that anyone who cycles through the thirty-one chapters of Proverbs each month, according to the date, arrived today at Proverbs 31, famous for its job description of the ethereal “Wife of Noble Character”.

Someone jokingly lamented that when she read Proverbs 31 this morning, she was again reminded that she fell short of the “P31” profile. To that, she added that when she was in college, if a man claimed to be looking for a P31, she would tell him that she was looking for a “D14”, a male prototype, lesser-known in Christian circles, based upon a verse from the book of Daniel.

Perhaps I should brush up on my Babylonian.


ST said...

modesty, great quality

Jed Carosaari said...

Bummer. My Akkadian is fluent, but I've got that...defect.

ST said...

hhmmmm, noticed no ladies commented here. interesting

Jed Carosaari said...

I've decided that I'm not a D14 guy; I'm a Job 40.17 kind of guy.

(Scholars think "tail" was perhaps a euphemism.)

drh said...

Interesting that you would compare yourself to a behemoth, Abdul Muhib...

Actually, the previous verse isn’t at all euphemistic. And it’s very clear that God draws attention to this creature and to how He formed it, in order to bring glory to Himself.