Sunday, June 12, 2011

What the flock happened in church this morning?

The Good Book says, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way.” That really had nothing to do with how this morning’s service ended – at least, not overtly. But the sheep sure all went their own ways!

Two SheepPictured above are two sheep. These, and hundreds just like them, were hurled into the seats at the conclusion of this morning’s service.

With Kidz Kamp happening this week, Kentucky and Colorado Jones – Indiana’s lesser-known brothers – were time traveling all morning, looking for Colorado’s hat.

(I think it was Colorado’s. I’m fairly sure it wasn’t North Dakota’s.)

As the brothers landed in church, just in time for the exciting week ahead, their “replicator” apparently cloned an entire flock of sheep. We reaped the good fortune of their bounty.

I probably shouldn’t look for an extended theological metaphor – you know, like Colorado Jones being the wolf that scatters the flock...or having thrown out ninety-nine, but still searching for the one that caromed off the ceiling and sailed to the back of the auditorium.

In other news, my dad is now a proud owner of one these sheep. He wondered aloud whether it was a boy or a girl. Somehow, he decided it was a girl. (I wasn’t brave enough to ask.) Then he needed to name it. He figured that sheep say, “Baa!” so he named it “She-baa.” Or Sheba. He didn’t spell it for me yet.

Also, Sheba apparently howls at the moon. I don’t make this stuff up.


drh's dad said...

Has anyone seen Baa Baa Baa, Baa Baa Rah Ann? (Shebaa's sister)

drh said...

When they started chucking sheep into the crowd, the guy sitting next to me tried to count them all...and then he started snoring. He stayed awake during the message, though!