...has dust bunnies on his or her feet.

Also, the
Shoeless Rope-Skipper said my blog looks girly. It’s not the first time I’ve received
complaints about my blog’s layout recently.
What do you want from me? Aren’t insects with dusty feet good enough for you?
Just to be clear. In order to argue that your blog isn't girlie, you made a post about a teddy bear?
Women! What complainers! Just can't please 'em, can you?
not-so-subliminal-message = change your template
'couldn't have said it better myself.
No, the post was about an insect – an insect with dust bunnies on its feet. The teddy bear’s purpose was to emphasize the immense size and ferocity of the insect.
Not pictured is the neighbor boy who came by and saved my life by using a long clothes hanger to usher the insect outside.
Hmmmm...the "neighbor boy who came by and saved my life" doesn't advance the author's efforts
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