Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday, Bad Idea

A college buddy of mine graduated with a degree in journalism and loves sports. He used to blog regularly about sports. Then he got married and stopped blogging.

He did not, however, stop loving sports. This year I agreed to join his fantasy baseball league. What this essentially means is that a dozen of us choose players from Major League Baseball teams, and these players’ individual statistics get compiled as statistics for our fictitious baseball teams. The whole process is computerized and updated in real time, so that I can see how my fantasy team is doing, even as real Major League Baseball games are in progress.

I wonder what would happen if we applied this concept to blogging. Somewhere in cyberspace, people could choose to follow the blogs of complete strangers and receive points for other people’s blogs.
Most Recent PostLast Seven Days
@bdul muHib Diherhen1

Possible statistical categories for blogging include: number of posts, comments, links and hits. I suppose “hits” is one statistical category these two fantasy leagues would have in common.

So that’s my bad idea for Good Friday. On the upside, check out the Good Friday cartoon I discovered on my friend’s blog.


Unknown said...

Wow, a name mention and a link. This is a good friday indeed.

I like your idea. I also believe there is direct correlation between being married and not blogging. Also being married and not being funny. In fact, I believe I came up with this theory.

In other news, when will you join Facebook????? It's all the rage.

Jeanine said...

Guess you'll have to update! I just posted! (the race is on! (parenthetically speaking))

Cyndi said...

"...there is direct correlation between being married and not blogging. Also being married and not being funny."

Agreed, marriage does seem to get in the way of blogging. Of course, the internet didn't even exist before we were married, so we really don't have anything to compare to.

On the other hand, marriage and humor must go together. First of all, you have to have a sense of humor to stay married. Secondly, humor is more likely in marriage because you actually have to be funny to get a laugh. Before marriage we laughed at the other's jokes in order to impress them.

SP said...


Lauren said...

ha ha!

I like it, J & C!

Jed Carosaari said...

But Karin, David's not married...

Jed Carosaari said...

So David, are you going to keep a running tally of this chart, and keep on editing it as the weeks go by?