Saturday, September 02, 2006

Advanced Meteorology: Soupiness Index

I hope the folks at The Weather Channel won’t mind my using this graphic:

Notice that yesterday’s low notched a scant degree Fahrenheit less than the average high.

I have tried to come up with an appropriate adjective for these conditions. The word hot fails to describe it; muggy falls short; drippy captures the humidity, but lets the heat escape.

My suggestion: soupy. It’s soupy outside. Downright soupy.

By the end of yesterday, the soupiness of the weather had so sapped my strength, when I woke up in the middle of the night, I discovered that I had been drooling.

You know it’s soupy when that happens.


Lauren said...

Does a sandwich come with this soup??

Jed Carosaari said...

I just finished a retreat (blog to come soon) near Annacortos, an island off the coast of Washington, N of Seattle. It was so cold this morning I had to go out with a coat on and two layers underneath. I'd describe it as frozen custard.

I'm excited- I'll be able to keep up with your blog a lot easier now, having discovered bloglines.

bazeblog said...

so glad we have an appropriate name for it... right there with you in se asia. do you think "stew" could work for those especially steamy days?