Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Liquid Twilight

All of these pictures have been doctored. One of them is closest to the original. For five extra credit points, who can identify the liquid contents of the glass on the table?

(Hint: The liquid isn’t actually twilight.)



Live In Contrast said...

For once, I get to ask if you are taking a page from my recent post where I used a color-adjusted photograph.

Also, I'm guessing that's either Dusk or Mountain Dew in the glass.

Unknown said...

Five extra credit points?!?! That's half a letter grade! You are far too generous.

drh said...

Live in Contrast: I commented on your post previously, but that’s not where the idea for this post originated.

Karin: No extra credit awarded so far. Perhaps five extra credit points isn’t generous enough.

Abdul Muhib: Reread the question, and I hope you’ll post another comment. Your previous comment about which picture was least-doctored didn’t answer the question being asked.

Live In Contrast said...

Doctored... hmmm....

Dr. Pepper?

Jeanine said...

I say it's cafe o'lait with a sugar cube just dropped in... that or a B-52... which is rather unlikely. (sorry if I spelled caffay oh-lay wrong... French isn't my strong suite, along with html)